Tag Archives: Swift

Swift Tips #1: Extra padding problem on UITextView?

Sometimes when you integrate a design, you need things to be square, everything aligned: buttons, title, images, textView… But wait, what’s that extra padding on the UITextView? You may have tried to print the contentOffset or contentInset without success. That’s not it. However, all your problems can be solved in one line, and here it is: // magic line for a UITextView named textView textView.textContainer.lineFragmentPadding = 0 I wouldn’t call it exactly straight forward, so this is a memo for me and tip for you :)

A Swift guide for iOS beginners

A couple of years ago I was a full stack web developer, from database to front-end. Then I had the opportunity to switch to mobile. Thanks to my mentor who pointed me to the best resources ever (Stanford University lectures), I could learn everything I needed pretty quickly and efficiently. It is now my turn to share with you what I believe are good references for beginners. Unfortunately, learning a new language alongside with a new development environment and a different way of thinking doesn’t come overnight. Forget about the Matrix style, uploading iOS Kung-fu lessons right to your brain … Continue reading A Swift guide for iOS beginners