UIFont not responding or nil

My font does not respond and it says nil when I print it? What’s happening here? Actually, if your UIFont happens to be nil, it’s maybe because you’re not calling it properly! Haha, very funny, I know, but let’s have a look at happened to me recently. Here is what I did: I imported “MyFont-Regular.ttf” and “MyFont-bold.ttf” in Xcode. I set the constants with the font name. let fontRegular = “MyFont-Regular” let fontBold = “MyFont-Bold” And I set the font to that label in the view: label.font = UIFont(name: fontRegular, size: 12.0) and … nothing happened, well, the label was displayed … Continue reading UIFont not responding or nil

SFSafariViewController and OAuth – the Instagram example

I think, as a developer, I’ve never been so excited and frustrated at the same time by the same thing. Sorry for the non-tech reading that, you can stop here, it’s fine ;) My oh-so-frustrating thing is the brand new SFSafariViewController introduced in WWDC 2015, and especially its interaction with OAuth. If you are reading this article, you have probably watched WWDC’s session 504: Introduction to Safari View Controller. And you’ve probably browsed through a lot of articles arguing the pros and cons of SFSafariViewController. Here, I would like to jump straight to the “Web-based authentication” section, when Ricky Mondello … Continue reading SFSafariViewController and OAuth – the Instagram example

The 3 brilliant apps I discovered recently + 1 Bonus

I usually don’t install a lot of apps on my phone outside of work, but a couple of weeks ago I came across 3 brilliant apps that I installed and that I’m still using today!  Steller I discovered Steller thanks to an Instagram post of a gentleman called TheBowlerMan. If you’re curious, go check his account, he’s doing an amazing job. When I opened the Stellar link on the web, I instantly fell in love with the concept: “Everyone has a story to tell”. Obviously, the story made by TheBowlerMan is a perfect example of Stellar’s potential: stunning pictures punctuated by … Continue reading The 3 brilliant apps I discovered recently + 1 Bonus

A Swift guide for iOS beginners

A couple of years ago I was a full stack web developer, from database to front-end. Then I had the opportunity to switch to mobile. Thanks to my mentor who pointed me to the best resources ever (Stanford University lectures), I could learn everything I needed pretty quickly and efficiently. It is now my turn to share with you what I believe are good references for beginners. Unfortunately, learning a new language alongside with a new development environment and a different way of thinking doesn’t come overnight. Forget about the Matrix style, uploading iOS Kung-fu lessons right to your brain … Continue reading A Swift guide for iOS beginners